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Energy and Materials Research Conference 2017 (EMR2017)

A forum for discussion of the latest research in materials for energy

Formatex Research Center cordially invites you to participate in The Energy & Materials Research Conference - EMR2017, which will be held in Lisbon (Portugal) from 5 to 7 April 2017.

EMR2017 will bring together researchers and professionals from a broad set of science and engineering disciplines with the aim of sharing on the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission-distribution and storage. The connection is clear between research into novel materials and new technological solutions or improvements in materials, and the development of cleaner, cheaper safer and more efficient energy technologies.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for everyone involved to learn and discuss about materials, processes and systems applied to the following areas:

 Biomass - Biofuels

Solar Energy

Fuel Cells


Wind Power

Geothermal Energy

Hydropower. Wave and Tidal Power

Nuclear Energy and Materials

Energy Production from Fossil Fuels

Energy Harvesting Materials

Energy Transmission, Distribution and Storage

Advances in Lighting Materials

Heat Exchange

Energy-Efficient Buildings

Materials, Processes and Systems for Energy Saving and Sustainability


The International Conference on Material Science and Environment Protection (MSEP2017)

Place: Wuhan, China

Date: March 24-26, 2017

With the rapid development of Material Science and Environment Protection, researchers in all fields begin to discuss some new ideas connected with Material Science and Environment Protection. MSEP2017 will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers, scholars and some scientists to exchange their ideas face to face together. The conference attracts participants in a diverse range of fields.

Official Website: www.msep2017.org

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3rd Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-2017 (WCSM-2017)

Date: Mar 16-18, 2017

Place: Bangkok, Thailand

Theme 403: Electronic and Optoelectronic Materials--- Part 2 for your outstanding achievements and experience in “metamaterials

Supporting Organization

Thailand Convention & Exhibition Bureau

The Thai Ceramics Society


Module 1: Frontiers in Smart Materials Science & Technology

Module 2: Smart Nanomaterials

Module 3: Smart Biomaterials

Module 4: Smart Optical, Electronic Materials

Module 5: Smart Fluid, Hydrogels and Phase Change Materials

Module 6: Smart Composite Materials

Module 7: Other Smart Materials

Module 8: Characteristic Analysis of Smart Materials

Module 9: Applications of Smart Materials

Module 10: Young Investigator Forum

Conference Program

VI научный семинар "Моделирование технологий ядерного топливного цикла"

ФГУП «РФЯЦ-ВНИИТФ им. академ. Е.И. Забабахина» проводит VI научный семинар «Моделирование технологий ядерного топливного цикла»
24-27 января 2017 года в г. Снежинск (Челябинской области).

Основными темами семинара являются:

- Стратегия развития ядерной  энергетики,  технологий ЯТЦ и  экономика ядерного топливного;

- Моделирование технологических процессов и производств ЯТЦ;

- Нераспространение ДМ и ядерных технологий;

- Эволюция нуклидных составов при замыкании ЯТЦ, включая эксплуатацию реакторных установок;

- Водородная   безопасность   АЭС:    моделирование   и   экспериментальная верификация кодов.

В работе семинара ожидается участие специалистов из НИЦ КИ, ГНЦ РФ-ФЭИ, ГК «Росатом», ИТЦП «ПРОРЫВ», ИБРАЭ РАН, АО «ВНИИНМ», АО «АТОМПРОЕКТ», НПФ «Сосны», ТПУ, ИВТЭ УрО РАН.

Приглашаем принять участие в работе семинара

Талантова Лада Сергеевна

Председатель оргкомитета семинара,

Начальник отдела информационного сопровождения и коммуникаций

РФЯЦ-ВНИИТФ им. академ. Е.И. Забабахина

тел. +7 351 465 2490

e-mail Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript

International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017)

International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2017) with 14th International Workshop on Multiscale Modelling and Simulation
12-14 June, 2017, Zürich, Switzerland

The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual conference that brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and engineering, as well as in arts and humanitarian fields, to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research.


Modelling and simulation of multiscale systems constitutes a grand challenge in computational science, and is widely applied in fields ranging from the physical sciences and engineering to the life science and the socio-economic domain. Most of the real-life systems encompass interactions within and between a wide range of spatio-temporal scales, and/or on many separate levels of organization. They require the development of sophisticated models and computational techniques to accurately simulate the diversity and complexity of multiscale problems, and to effectively capture the wide range of relevant phenomena within these simulations. Additionally, these multiscale models frequently need large scale computing capabilities as well as dedicated software and services that enable the exploitation of existing and evolving computational eco systems.


The Tenth International Conference on Thermal Engineering Theory and Applications

February  26 - 28, 2017

 Muscat - Oman

The conference main objective is to bring together researchers engaged in the application of experimental, analytical, or theoretical thermal and energy engineering. The suggested topics link between conventional and emerging research areas in thermal energy. Papers submitted to the conference will follow peer-review procedures. ICTEA Proceeding will be published in CD-ROM with all accepted and registered papers of the conference and will be indexed in ISI (Thomson Reuters) and SCOPUS and many other indexes. Extended versions of all regular papers will also be considered for publication in specialized ISI Indexed Journals in the thermal area.



Advanced Automotive Battery Conference

xEV Battery Technology, Applications, and Market


June 21-22, 2016 | Marriott Marquis Hotel | San Francisco, CA

Part of the 17th Annual Advanced Automotive Battery Conference



Welcome to the main page of the Joint Meeting of Plasma Physics Collaboration at FAIR and 8th International Workshop on Plasma Physics with Intense Laser and Heavy Ion Beams

December 9, 2016, Moscow, Russia
