test (oem copy) Зарубежные конференции

Online-трансляции научных мероприятий

C каждым годом онлайн-трансляция и видеоконференция набирают все большую популярность. Если раньше, за редким исключением, их применяли в судопроизводстве, медицине и при переговорах первых лиц, то сегодня видеокоммуникации интегрированы, практически, во все сферы жизни. Сегодня они успешно применяются  в освещении и проведении научных мероприятий, благодаря способности расширения коммуникативных возможностей. Видеоконференцсвязь помогает экспертам/ученым выступать со своими докладами из любой точки мира, а онлайн-трансляции значительно расширяют аудиторию мероприятия.

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Зарубежные конференции

International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering (ICESEE2015)

Welcome 2015 International Conference on Environmental Science and Energy Engineering (ICESEE2015) http://www.icesee2015.org/, features unique mixed topics of Environmental Science and Energy Engineering and so on. The goal of this conference is to bring researchers, engineers, and students to the areas of Environmental Science and Energy Engineering to share experiences and original research contributions on those topics.


After the overwhelming success of “3rd Biotechnology World Congress" the organizers feel immense pleasure to announce the "4th Biotechnology World Congress" (4th BWC) to be held in Dubai, UAE, from February 15th-18th, 2016. The 4th BWC will be unique in promoting the translational nature of modern biotechnological research, with emphasis on both the basic science in industry and academia as well as its practical and clinical applications. Presentations would focus on pharmaceutical biotechnology, vaccines, CNS, cancer, antibodies, protein engineering, plant and environmental technologies, transgenic plant and crops, bioremediation, microbial diversity research, business development, strategic alliances, partnering trends, product opportunities, growth business models and strategies, licensing etc.

The principal goal of this symposium will be to present the world with the breakthroughs in Biotechnology and bring together both young and experienced scientists from all regions of the world to open up avenues for their meaningful collaboration at regional and global level.  The best current research and non-commercial aspects of the field will be reviewed.

An International Advisory Board has been convened consisting of eminent scientists from all over the world, including among its members, four Nobel laureates.  Please visit the web sitehttp://biotechnology-conference.com/index.php for details.

CMCE 2015

2015 International Conference on Materials and Chemical Engineering will be held from October 23 from 25, 2015 in Suzhou, China. This Conference will cover issues on Materials and Chemical Engineering. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods

Подробнее: http://www.engii.org/cet2015/

9th Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting

Dear Colleagues:

It is our great pleasure to announce 9th Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting, which will take place in San Sebastian, Spain from 1st till 4th September, 2015.

The conference website has been updated and the Abstract Submission and Registration are open at: http://www.emnmeeting.org/spain/

Please submit the abstract of any work you may wish to present according to the corresponding instructions and proceed with your registration details.

The Abstract deadline is May. 31, 2015 

On behalf of the 2015 EMN Meeting, the International and Local Organizing Committees, we are looking forward to have you with us in San Sebastian.

Kind regards,

Conference chairmen

Zh. Wang and A. Zhukov

Due to several requests the organizing committee of 9th Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting  decided to extend the abstract submission deadline to June 10, 2015

XV Минский международный форум по тепломассобмену

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе XV Минского международного форума по тепломассообмену, который будет проходить с 23 по 26 мая 2016 г. в г. Минске в Национальной академии наук Беларуси и Институте тепло- и массобмена имени А.В. Лыкова НАН Беларуси.

Сайт форума http://www.mif15.itmo.by