test (oem copy) Зарубежные конференции

Online-трансляции научных мероприятий

C каждым годом онлайн-трансляция и видеоконференция набирают все большую популярность. Если раньше, за редким исключением, их применяли в судопроизводстве, медицине и при переговорах первых лиц, то сегодня видеокоммуникации интегрированы, практически, во все сферы жизни. Сегодня они успешно применяются  в освещении и проведении научных мероприятий, благодаря способности расширения коммуникативных возможностей. Видеоконференцсвязь помогает экспертам/ученым выступать со своими докладами из любой точки мира, а онлайн-трансляции значительно расширяют аудиторию мероприятия.

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Зарубежные конференции

Joint AIRAPT-25th & EHPRG-53rd International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology

Dear friends and colleagues,

Following the AIRAPT-24th (Seattle, 2013) and EHPRG-52nd (Lyon, 2014) conferences, the Spanish “Matter at High Pressure” Team (MALTA-Consolider) announces the Joint AIRAPT-25th & EHPRG-53rd International Conference on High Pressure Science and Technology to be held in Madrid (SPAIN) in 2015.

High pressure fosters interdisciplinary research, linking together frontier areas of research in several scientific fields. The Organizing Committee, together with the AIRAPT and EHPRG Committees, are committed to offer a weighted and attractive Scientific Program of the highest quality, and to assure the success of the conference. A High Pressure School for young researchers is scheduled prior to the conference.  

The conference venue includes several places on the campus of the Complutense University of Madrid, the largest University of Spain, which is built around a privileged and beautiful green location in the western area of the city.

Of course, a word about Madrid, a city known for its cosmopolitan and friendly atmosphere, with a global recognition of its cultural and historical heritage. Madrid is plenty of possibilities (arts and culture, shopping and gastronomy, sports and much more) that can be exploited thanks to its excellent transport network.

The organizers will do their best to make the conference a unique experience. Madrid: a place for pressure, a place for pleasure.

We look forward to welcoming you to Madrid in the summer of 2015!

Подробнее http://airapt-ehprg-madrid2015.com


28 & 29 June, 2015 – Munich, Germany
with applications to solid and structural mechanics

Professor J. N. Reddy 
College Station, 
Texas USA

Сайт http://www.icc-conferences.com/course-nonlinear.html

28 & 29 June, 2015 – Munich, Germany

Prof. Dr. Prof. H.C. Dr. H.C. Stan Veprek
Technical University Munich,

Сайт http://www.icc-conferences.com/course-nano.html

28 & 29 June, 2015 – Munich, Germany

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Öchsner, D.Sc.
Griffith University (Gold Coast Campus) 

Сайт http://www.icc-conferences.com/course-art.html

28 & 29 June, 2015 – MUNICH- GERMANY
Dr.-Ing Saman Halgamuge
The University of Melbourne,
Info will be available soon!  

Смотрите на сайте http://www.icc-conferences.com/

DEMSEE-2015 10th Jubilee International Conference on Deregulated Electricity Market Issues in South Eastern Europe

The International Steering Committee and the Local Organizing Committee of DEMSEE 2015, invite paper submissions and participations in the upcoming DEMSEE Conference which will be held in Budapest, Hungary, in September 2015.

DEMSEE was launched as a forum for discussions on electricity market issues as well as the operation aspects of interconnected and isolated power systems in South-Eastern Europe.

Over the last 10 years DEMSEE has grown to be one of the most important conferences on a wide range of power system issues held in Central and Eastern Europe. With a broad international attendance from all over the World, DEMSEE provides an excellent networking opportunity to establish new professional relationships and/or start new projects in the region.

Market development experts and engineers from all over the world are invited to share their experience on the conference topics and Academicians are invited to merge their theoretical concepts with the practical experience of industry professionals. Specialists from the region are invited to contribute by joining the discussions on specific topics related to deregulated market development and operation.

Подробнее http://demsee2015.org/

ICPIG2015 XXXII International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases

Welcome to XXXII ICPIG

Iasi, Romania 26-31 July 2015

This prestigious conference has been the forum for discussion since 1953 of nearly all fields in plasma science, from the fundamentals of the interaction of charged particles with molecules to plasma chemistry, surface treatment and thin film technology, plasma medicine, light sources, plasma assisted combustion, plasma material processing, atmospheric and stellar plasmas, environmental protection and pollution control, plasma aerodynamics, and non-thermal plasmas in fusion devices. It is a natural continuation of the last three ICPIG editions held in Cancun (Mexico, 2009), Belfast (UK, 2011) and Granada (Spain, 2013).

Our conference will offer a complete scientific programme consisting of 10 general and 24 topical invited lectures covering nearly all topics in the field of ionized gases, given by worldwide leaders in their fields and two special sessions on hot topics in plasma physics.

The scientific programme also includes lectures from the winners of the von Engel & Franklin Prize and the IUPAP Young Scientist Medal and Prize in Plasma Physics.

Подробнее http://www.icpig2015.net/

ФППТ-8 Международная научная конференция "Физика плазмы и плазменные технологии" (ФППТ-8)

Приглашаем Вас принять участие в работе VIII Международной научной конференция "Физика плазмы и плазменные технологии" (ФППТ-8), которую планируется провести в Минске с 14 по 18 сентября 2015 года. Будем очень рады видеть в Минске постоянных и новых участников конференции.
