test (oem copy) Зарубежные конференции

Online-трансляции научных мероприятий

C каждым годом онлайн-трансляция и видеоконференция набирают все большую популярность. Если раньше, за редким исключением, их применяли в судопроизводстве, медицине и при переговорах первых лиц, то сегодня видеокоммуникации интегрированы, практически, во все сферы жизни. Сегодня они успешно применяются  в освещении и проведении научных мероприятий, благодаря способности расширения коммуникативных возможностей. Видеоконференцсвязь помогает экспертам/ученым выступать со своими докладами из любой точки мира, а онлайн-трансляции значительно расширяют аудиторию мероприятия.

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Зарубежные конференции

XIV Международный конгресс „МАШИНЫ.ТЕХНОЛОГИИ.МАТЕРИАЛЫ’17”

Приглашаем принять участие в Летней сессии XIV международного конгресса „МАШИНЫ.ТЕХНОЛОГИИ.МАТЕРИАЛЫ’17”, который состоится с 13 по 16 сентября 2017 г. в курортном комплексе „Св.Св. Константин и Елена” в окрестностях города Варны - Болгария. Подробную информацию можно найти на нашем сайте http://www.mtmcongress.com

С уважением,
Проф. дтн, д-р хонорис кауза Георги Попов,
Председатель  Научно-технического общества машиностроителей Болгарии,
Председатель Международного программного комитета

The 4th Conference on New Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (NACMP 2017)

The 4th Conference on New Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (NACMP 2017) will be held from September 24 to 26 in Suzhou, China. This Conference will cover issues on Condensed Matter Physics. It dedicates to creating a stage for exchanging the latest research results and sharing the advanced research methods.


Welcome to the 68th International Astronautical Congress 2017

25-29 September 2017, Adelaide, Australia

It is with great pleasure that the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) invites you to the 68th annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC). #IAC2017, hosted by the Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) will take place in Adelaide, Australia from 25 – 29 September 2017. An intense week during which all space players will gather to discuss the advancement and progress of space in its various features; in particular, this year will be targeting secure access to satellites that provide communications, timing and navigation services and remote sensing data.

IAC 2017 will unlock imagination by focusing on innovation and security, and will offer a rich programme of Plenaries, Highlight Lectures, Technical lectures as well as a Global Networking Forum and many social events abundant in networking opportunities.


PLASMA-2017 International Conference on Research and Applications of Plasmas

The conference will be held in September 18-22, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland.

The scope of the PLASMA conference series, which idea was originally to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and to spread the collaboration between the scientists and engineers from the Eastern European Countries, covers most of issues of broadly understood plasma physics and technology. Today, in the era of globalization, the conference offers the opportunity of participation of guests from all around the world and all scientists are welcome.


PPLA 2017 VIII Conference on Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications

It is a real pleasure to announce that the 8th edition of the Conference on "Plasma Physics by Laser and Applications (PPLA2017)" will be held from Wednesday July 05th to Friday July 07th, 2017, at the University of Messina, Italy.

PPLA is a biannual meeting, which will be held in the newly renovated audithorium at the University of Messina, with plenty of adjacent space for participants and vendors to discuss.

Following past successful editions, this meeting will focus on the fundamental interaction between long/short pulsed lasers and solids, liquids, gases; the plenty of their induced effects and applications as well as target preparation and characterization, diagnostics technologies.
