test (oem copy) Зарубежные конференции

Online-трансляции научных мероприятий

C каждым годом онлайн-трансляция и видеоконференция набирают все большую популярность. Если раньше, за редким исключением, их применяли в судопроизводстве, медицине и при переговорах первых лиц, то сегодня видеокоммуникации интегрированы, практически, во все сферы жизни. Сегодня они успешно применяются  в освещении и проведении научных мероприятий, благодаря способности расширения коммуникативных возможностей. Видеоконференцсвязь помогает экспертам/ученым выступать со своими докладами из любой точки мира, а онлайн-трансляции значительно расширяют аудиторию мероприятия.

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Зарубежные конференции

Information Innovative Technologies, I2T

Уважаемые коллеги!

Напоминаем Вам, что кампания по подготовке и проведению Международной научно-практической конференции "Информационные инновационные технологии" продолжается.

Конференция будет проходить с 24 по 28 апреля 2017г. в г. Прага (Чешская республика). 13 февраля 2017г. завершается льготный период регистрации, приема материалов докладов и регистрационных взносов.

Подробная информация об условиях участия размещена на сайте http://i2t.diag.ru

Следите за новостями на сайте!

В связи с многочисленными просьбами, кампания по приему заявок на участие в Международной научно-практической конференции "Информационные инновационные технологии" продлена до 15.03.2017г.

 Оргкомитет I2T.

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7th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibitio

7th International Advances in Applied Physics and Materials Science Congress&Exhibitio (APMAS)


4th International Symposium on Microscopy and Spectroscopy (InterM)
4th International Congress on Energy Efficiency and Energy Related Materials (ENEFM)
3rd International Symposium on Biomaterials & Biosensors (BIOMATSEN)

April 22-26, 2017, Oludeniz, Fethiye/Mugla, TURKEY


18th International Conference on RF Superconductivity (SRF2017)

The SRF2017 will be held on July 17-21, 2017, at the International Conference Center of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China. The scientific programs will consist of invited talks, poster sessions and 'hot-topic' discussion sessions. The complete list of technical categories can be found at http://srf2017.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70006.

July is usually the best time for Lanzhou. We are expecting a mild summer with briiliant thoughts and hot discussions. We are looking forward to seeing you on SRF2017!


For questions regarding the conference or local affairs, please contanct: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .


International Conference on Laser Energy Science / Laser and Accelerator Neutron Sources and Applications 2017  (CLES/LANSA'17), April 18 – 21, 2017, Pacifico, Yokohama, Japan

Resent advancement of high power laser technologies enable us to open a new horizon of neutron sources along with conventional ones based on accelerators and nuclear reactors. Various types of short-pulse, high-fluence neutron sources have been developed including laser-driven fusion, laser accelerated ion beams, photonuclear reactions, and cluster-explosions, as well as various types of accelerators. And, these neutrons are used in a wide variety of applications for such as material science, medical science, non-destructive investigation, security, and neutron radiography.

The first international meeting was held in 2013 by setting laser-assisted neutron sources and applications as key terms, in order to overview the status and future prospects of relevant fields. In the late 2015, a national project of Japan has started aiming at innovative improvement of compact neutron sources based on both laser and accelerators dedicated for industrial applications. Upon these backgrounds, the 2nd forum will be held in order to provide an opportunity for participants to exchange mutual information and activate their own researches.


ECPD 2017: 2nd European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics (ECPD)

The Conference on Plasma Diagnostics is a bi-annual event which aims at bringing together physicists or other scientists working on diagnostics for magnetic confinement fusion, beam plasmas and inertial fusion, low-temperature and industrial plasmas, and basic and astrophysical plasmas.

The second edition of the Conference will take place in Bordeaux, France, starting from 18th and finishing on 21st of April 2017. This follows the first successful 1.5 day pilot meeting, organized as satellite to the main European Physical Society (EPS) Conference on Plasma Physics in Helsinki in 2013. After this, the EPS gave the green light for organizing the First European Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, held in April 2015 in Frascati (Rome), Italy. More than 150 scientists from all over Europe and overseas took part in this event and an even bigger number is expected to take part in the second edition of the conference in Bordeaux.
